How Stress Impacts TMJ Health and Habits
"The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." — This inspiring quote by philosopher and...
Beyond the Bite — The Truth About TMJD
You might not know this, but I also live with a temporomandibular joint disorder. The reason I want you to know this is because back when...
November: National Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Month!
Let’s take a look at some fast facts about the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD or TMJD). 8 Facts...
What is wrong with your breathing?
Do you know if you are a nasal or oral breather? Maybe you are a nasal breather during the day, but actually breathe through your mouth...
Muscular Imbalances Cause Jaw Pain
A lot of joint pain is caused by muscular imbalances around the joint. The pain improves when the imbalances are addressed— even with...
3 Reasons Why You Still Have Jaw Pain
Pain persists for many reasons, but here’s 3! 1️⃣You haven’t identified the root cause of your pain If don’t determine the reason WHY you...